Planners on the stove – Scrum cooking with MTU in October 2022.
It’s exciting to see how much our daily work as a team shapes us. We often observe that teams whose daily work involves planning find it particularly easy to apply Scrum. And this despite the fact that many think Scrum is a largely unplanned process. Often agile is commonly equated with “chaotic”. The opposite is the case. Scrum runs very much according to plan. However, under the premise of planning only manageable periods of time – monthly sprints at most. Scrum follows the humble realization that humans are not really made for long-term planning. Our workshop with the Manufacturing Engineering value stream (AV) team of MTU Aero Engines AG’s parts repair store was a great experience. Besides learning, experiencing, team building, good food and a happy satisfied team, it was a nice experience to experience people who know something about planning.